Sunday, August 1, 2010

Getting to know... Lauren!

Alright, so we decided to interview each other mostly because we are lame, but also because we thought it would be fun. So, here is my interview with Lauren!

What is your name? Lauren
How old are you? 22 years old
If you were me for a day, what would you do? I would eat a steak... and chicken... and drink five glasses of       milk. (ed. note, this seems slightly excessive Lauren)
If you were stuck on a deserted island what five things would you bring? Chocolate, Shampoo, Solace (the cat), Toothpaste, and iPod.
What has saved our relationship on an almost daily basis? The vault (this was developed on a particularly horrible youth group trip almost 10 years ago.)
Do bald men wash their heads with shampoo in the shower? Yes (ed. note, I bet they just use soap, it seems more convenient.)
Favorite memory of a shared experience? There are so many, but probably making our radio show when we were little.
What is your favorite movie? (It cannot be the last movie you saw Lauren) "My Fair Lady" (ed. note, I'm not sure how we live together seeing as this is my least favorite movie.)
Dream Job? Is there a job that pays you really well for doing nothing?
Are you a morning person? (This question was met with a laugh) No, not at all...
Last book you read? "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan
Weird Phobias? I don't have any Kayla, that's your thing...
Last question, why do you always sob when you're slap happy? I don't know...
Thanks for your time Lauren!


  1. Ok, I happen to know you have a phobia of spiders, not that that is weird, but you could at least tell your phobias. Great interview Kayla!

  2. I forgot to say, your profile photo is SO perfect!:>P

  3. I love both of these pics!

    Great interview, too. Just how does Lauren know what products bald men use in the shower? She seems so sure in her response...

  4. I have a question for Lauren.

    How long do you cook chicken in the crockpot on low?

    Your loving cousin (yes, another one),


  5. Hahaha Allison, that's not fair. lol I think I learned my lesson. I think 6-7 hours max would be fine if you start with frozen chicken! I'll let you know for sure next time I attempt to make that recipe. ;) I definitely won't give it 12 hours again!
