Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dinner Day 4 (Victoria Style)

Sorry it's been so long.  It's all my fault. 

I'm Victoria:  Honorary apartment resident, sister of Lauren and Cousin of Kayla. (I have my own toothbrush there.  Because I'm special and they love me best.)  I'm guest posting/hijacking their blog today because I was invited to dinner on thursday night.  Now I know, that was like 3 trillion years ago, but I've been very busy plucking my eyebrows and reading books and waiting for my older sister to email me the pictures. 

Now tell me this... Who emails their perfectly sane sister pictures of dinner at 1 in the morning and expects her to sense this with her mind, wake up, turn on her computer, and make a post on a blog?  I'll tell you:  Lauren.

On to the dinner.  Obviously, since Kayla is vegan, this dinner harmed no animals, or their byproducts.  I felt really good about eating it.
So the recipe was Sesame Hot Noodles.  It involved sesame seeds, soy sauce, peanut butter, a whisk, mild green chilies, garlic, some bowls, some noodles, and a big pile o' yumminess.  It was really good, we'll leave it at that.
As you can see, there were also spring rolls.  These were made with a variety of chopped veggies tossed in a light sauce.  The filling (and the pool of plum sauce we dipped them in, which in the above picture may or may not look like something out of a badly acted teen movie) was delicious.  The wrappers gave us a little trouble.  No, a lot.  A lot of trouble.  They wouldn't wrap right, and they stuck together, and then decided to be contrary and come apart when we tried to make them all delicious and golden by dropping them in hot oil.  The nerve.  In the end, out of 9 spring rolls, three turned out decent and they were pretty good.  (They would have been better if Kayla ate things with egg in them though, because the normal wrappers looked yummy.  But they had egg.  But they looked yummy.  But Kayla couldn't handle the guilt.  So we went with rice.)
It was a really good dinner, and we had fun cooking it together.  Listen up though:  Don't fry spring rolls and then eat them, because then you might feel guilty, or a little sick, and then you might go on a three mile post-dinner walk, and if you stole your sister's shoes for the walk without her permission, they might rub on your feet and make you bleed.  Just some advice.  (PS, I would never steal your shoes and then inadvertently bleed on the Lauren.  Never.)

This was a guest post by Victoria.  All content must be taken with a grain of salt because she's really jealous that Lauren and Kayla do fun stuff without her.  Not too much salt though, because that's bad for you.


  1. Delicious looking! Unfortunately I can only commebt on how it looks becasue none was sent home for dear Aunt Kathy to sample.
    Sad really:>( I look forward to many,many more posts from two (three, if I include Victoria, and I do) of my favorite girls:>) I love you!

  2. Oh my goodness Victoria! I love love love it!!!!
    <3 Kayla

  3. thank Kayla, I love love love you!!!!! <3 Victoria
