Thursday, September 16, 2010


We've been neglecting our blog- I'll be the first to admit it- it's just that life has suddenly gotten busy. My free time has greatly diminished and my life has been taken over with diagramming sentences, invalid arguments, fricative f's, the worst customers that I have ever experienced at work and an apartment that will apparently not clean itself. I'm hoping that maybe Lauren will pick up my slack and start writing more entries. There have been a few possible entries for "stuff my cousin said" however, someone (who shall remain nameless)  has "vaulted" them. The other possibility would be recapping episodes of  "Hoarders." Although those recaps would involve stories of Lauren and me sitting on the couch with me literally gagging, while Lauren earnestly pleads with me not to throw up. I'll spare you the gory details... You're welcome.


  1. Double Post-Hooray!

    Has that cat hurled, or is this an example of bad cone adaptation? If the latter, much as it pains me to admit it, Comfort may actually be smarter than the photo cat. Hmm.

    Love you guys.


  2. We wait with bated breath (so as not to let any fricatives escape) for each and every post. No matter how boring you may think your life is we enjoy each word you write as if it were drops of gold. Really. I mean that. Don't laugh.
    Would you like some tips on training your apartment to self clean? Me too.
    Love you both. Don't let the crummy customers get you down.
